
Working with A Wedding Florist: Check These Pointers


Your wedding is the most important day of your life, and you would want everything to be near-perfect. Once you have booked the venue and decided on the theme, the next step is to manage the other critical aspects, like décor and catering. Even if the wedding venue has predesigned décor, you may still need some floral arrangements to make the space your own. So, how do you work with a wedding florist? We have some pointers that you can consider.

Start with the theme

Your wedding theme determines the kind of décor you would have, and it is always wise and important to have a clear picture before approaching local florists. If you have not decided on the theme, or would want the florist to suggest ideas, you can allow them to come up with designs. Many clients prefer to take photos of wedding floral arrangements they have liked, so that their florist has a fair idea of what’s expected of them.

Find more on their work

As a new client, you have every right to ask a few questions before hiring the florist. Here’s a list –

  1. How long have you been handling weddings?
  2. Can you share local references?
  3. Have you managed weddings of this scale and size?
  4. What kind of flowers can be arranged?
  5. Who will be answering our questions?
  6. Do you charge separately for design and setup?
  7. Can I expect an estimate in advance?
  8. Will you sign a contract with terms and conditions?
  9. Are you aware of latest wedding trends?
  10. Have you designed weddings with similar themes?

Make sure that the florist has great reviews online, and if they have given references, call up a few of their existing clients to know about their experience.

The pricing

Getting an estimate from the florist you have finalized is important, but you also need to know if they have separate pricing. For instance, you can go for better bouquets for the bride and bridesmaids, which may cost more. Some clients prefer to have a comprehensive quote that covers everything, and in that case, you need to be sure there is no room for any hidden charges or extra costs. Check everything in the contract and what the price includes, like choice of flowers, and in case certain flowers are not available, what other alternatives would be used.

Allow the florist to have some creative freedom, because working on a wedding and designing floral arrangements is an art in itself.

Angel Eva
the authorAngel Eva